Legal History Posts

Calling Power to Account
Law, Reparations, and the Chinese Canadian Head tax

Our Box Was Full
An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs

Learned Friends
A Tribute to Fifty Remarkable Ontario Advocates, 1950–2000

Unwilling Mothers, Unwanted Babies
Infanticide in Canada

McCarthy Tetrault
Building Canada's Premier Law Firm

The Courts and the Colonies
The Litigation of Hutterite Church Disputes

The Heiress vs the Establishment
Mrs. Campbell's Campaign for Legal Justice

Our Box Was Full
An Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs

The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004
From Imperial Bastion to Provincial Oracle

The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1754-2004
From Imperial Bastion to Provincial Oracle